Stephen McMillan Collection

Stephen McMillan is an exceptional artist whose art not only speaks for itself, but grabs your attention with astonishing views of nature that make you forget where you are for a moment. His beautiful work has got him mentioned in the Santa Cruz  Sentinel and his work has been displayed at the Santa Cruz History Museum. 

Currently on display at the Bodega Art Gallery is “Classics: Rare and Out of Print Etchings” by Stephen McMillan. McMillan has devoted himself to the fine art of printmaking and spent the last 45 years honing his craft as an aquatint etcher. Many of the pieces on display have been sold out for years and have not been seen outside of private collections.

This is only a handful of our inventory,
the Bodega Art Gallery has over 200 of his 400 images.  
Please call for complete inventory: (415)515-4665
Any current image not available at the Bodega Art Gallery can be special ordered.